Promoting Connection, Health, and Recovery

Journey Road has been providing Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) since 2015. The individuals we serve have consistently told us they are not receiving quality behavioral and primary health care due to fragmentation of services between different organizations or stigma associated with addiction and mental health disorders that prevents them from seeking out care in the first place.


To offer whole-person health care for individuals in underserved areas and populations to enhance their ability to thrive in their personal and professional lives.


A world where an individual, regardless of socioeconomic status and individual identity, receives quality, trauma-informed whole-person health care.


(R)ecovery: A commitment to holistic, evidence-based practices that promote health and recovery.

(O)pportunity: A commitment to providing increased opportunity for whole-person health care to individuals in all socioeconomic statuses and identities. 

(A)dvocacy: A commitment to advocacy for all individuals and families to have a voice in their health care options and access to care.

(D)iscovery: A commitment to discovering new best practices in whole-person health care treatment and access.

Journey Road Treatment Center

East Side Clinic

1201 N Post Rd., Suite 4
Indianapolis, IN 46219

Phone: 317-405-8833

Fax: 317-672-2398



Journey Road Treatment Center

West Side Clinic

5610 W Crawfordsville Rd., Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46224

Phone: 317-562-0500

Fax: 317-562-0589

Journey Road Treatment Center

South Side Clinic

8106 S Madison Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46227

Phone: 317-884-1752

Fax: 317-884-1753

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